Friday, June 10, 2005

Our Proud Pride!

    WOW!  A GREAT big thank-you to Anthony Whelihan, for our best Lavender Pride Edition cover ever, a 3-D masterpiece; to Mavrik Realty, Miller Lite, Malibu Passion Fruit, and Wilde Roast Cafe for sponsoring Lavender's Summer of Pride(TM).

    As a GLBT community, we clearly are showing our pride.

    June is the month of Pride, an annual celebration of who we are and who we are becoming.

    Pride reports literally are pouring in from all over the world.

    Brazil is putting on the world's largest GLBT festival.  Many Eastern European cities are planning their first events ever.  Asia officially has awakened to the gay consciousness.

    All is not color and pageants, however. 

    GLBT communities in fundamentalist Muslim nations still are being persecuted with imprisonment and beatings. 

    Even int eh world's most free societies, kids continue to be ridiculed, if not physically harassed, for being different.

    With few exceptions, civil and religious authorities do not recognize gay marriages.

    At the North Star Classic in Eagan over Memorial Day Weekend, it hit me.  We have moved beyond having pride to becoming [a] pride -- a worldwide family of men and women who know each other, look out for each other, and enjoy each others' company.

    Think of it:  Throughout the world, we have our own embassies, in the way of GLBT bars, cafes, and coffee shops.

    As a gay male, I am as at home in the Marais of Paris, the clubs of Berlin, or the bars in Sydney as I am here in the Twin Cities. 

    We fall in and out of love with men and women from Canada, France, Korea, the United Kingdom, Panama, and Israel, not to mention the east and left coasts of the United States.

    We even have our own international games.

    At the North Star Classic, I played for a team from Chicago that is a sort of family, with members from Montana, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and rural INdiana.

    This fall, I will be in San Diego with another family group, this time from Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Toronto, Montreal, Jamaica, and Vancouver. 

    Leafing through the Lavender Lens photographs of the North Star Classic in this issue, it is also apparent that we come in all shapes, sizes, ages, and colors. 

    Diversity among gays, gay supporters, and gay families goes beyond all stereotypes.

    At this summer's Pride events and other gatherings, we celebrate these friendships, and renew this mutual support for another year.

    So, have at it!  Have some fun, and meet some new people.  Just be safe, be responsible, and help build up the Pride for another year.

originally published 10-23 Jun, 2005
Lavender Magazine, v 11, no 262
Minneapolis, Minnesota